Invest in Real Estate with Impact in 2023

Invest in Real Estate with Impact in 2023:

Why Investing with Wealth Assist is More Important Than Ever in 2023

Real estate impact investing in South Africa is revolutionizing the way we invest in property. Say goodbye to the risks and headaches of buying distressed properties – Wealth Assist offers a better solution that benefits both homeowners and investors alike. Our Predetermined Contractual Returns with Compounded Interest ensures that your investment will generate strong returns without the need to purchase distressed properties. Join us today and experience the benefits of investing in real estate that makes a positive impact on the community and environment while also growing your wealth.

At Wealth Assist, we believe that impact investing is for everyone. Join the growing movement of individuals who are using their money to make a positive difference in the world, all while achieving their financial goals. We specialize in providing socially responsible and sustainable investment opportunities that generate strong returns for our investors. Whether you’re a first-time investor or a seasoned professional, our team of experts is dedicated to finding the best investment opportunities and managing them to ensure the success of your investment. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to make a difference and grow your wealth, contact Wealth Assist today to learn more about impact investing in South Africa.

Welcome to Wealth Assist, a South African-based impact real estate investment company. We specialize in providing socially responsible and sustainable investment opportunities that generate strong returns for our investors.

In today’s world, more and more investors are looking for ways to align their investments with their values. Wealth Assist, a South African-based impact real estate investment company, specializes in providing socially responsible and sustainable investment opportunities that not only generate strong returns but also make a difference in the world. In the year 2023, investing with a company like Wealth Assist has become more important than ever. With the world facing increasing environmental and social challenges, it is crucial that we all do our part to make a positive impact. Join us as we explore the benefits of investing in real estate with Wealth Assist and how you can make a difference through your investment.

In today’s world, making a difference and growing your wealth can go hand in hand. With Wealth Assist, you can do both by investing in real estate projects that have a positive impact on the community and environment. Our team of experts carefully selects and manages projects that not only generate strong returns, but also make a difference in the world.

Investing in real estate offers many benefits, including diversification, long-term appreciation potential, cash flow through rental income, and tax benefits. With Wealth Assist, you can also enjoy the added benefit of making a difference through your investment.

In the year 2023, investing with a socially responsible and sustainable company like Wealth Assist has become more important than ever. With increasing awareness of the impact of business on society and the environment, more and more investors are looking for ways to align their investments with their values.

Wealth Assist offers a unique opportunity to invest in real estate projects that not only generate strong returns, but also have a positive impact on the community and environment. We are committed to finding the best investment opportunities and managing them to ensure the success of your investment.

If you’re looking for a way to invest in real estate that aligns with your values and makes a difference in the world, look no further than Wealth Assist. Visit our website at to learn more about how you can join us in making a difference through real estate investment.

Assisting Real Estate owners logo

The founders of Assist Group were deeply moved by the tragic effects of property auctions on families and knew there had to be a better way to invest in real estate. That’s why they created Real Estate Assist and Wealth Assist – to provide a solution that benefits everyone involved. Our innovative approach to property investment generates strong returns for investors without exploiting the struggles of homeowners. With our Real Estate Assist and Wealth Assist working in synergy, we are able to create a truly win-win solution for all parties involved. Join us in revolutionizing the way we invest in real estate and make a positive impact on the community and environment.

    • End the cycle of auctions and repossessions
    • Prevent legal action and foreclosure
    • Consolidate debt and regain control of your finances with our South African debt consolidation services
    • Get expert mortgage advice and explore all options available to you
    • Consider a debt review alternative and find a solution that works for you
    • Take advantage of our free mortgage debt consultations and get the help you need
    • Achieve a quick sale and avoid prolonged legal proceedings
    • Find a way out of “Sale in Execution” with our expert assistance
    • Unlock the equity in your property and use it to your advantage
    • No matter your property situation, we have a solution for you.
    Stop legal action Icon, Keep your home, Improve and sell

    Services for Distressed Owners

    Stop Legal Action

    Keep Your Home

    Improve and Sell

    Real Estate, Consolidate debt, unlock cashflow or equity.

    Return to Financial Security

    Consolidate Debt and Improve Credit Score

    Unlock Cash Flow or Equity

    Assist to Own Real Estate

    Real Estate Investment Icon

    Recovery Investments


    Instalment Sale Recovery

    Recovery Bond

    Assist to Own

    Real estate Investment JV sale Icon

    On Sale Investments


    Instalment Sale Breather

    Joint Venture Sale

    Wealth Assist Icon , Real Estate

    Wealth Assist is a game-changer in the world of real estate investment. As a direct real estate investment advisory company, we help you align your investments with your financial goals. We stand out from traditional investment models by assisting distressed homeowners and providing you with the opportunity to receive real estate as security and predetermined contractual returns with compounding effect. By investing with Wealth Assist, you can enjoy strong returns on your investment while also making a positive impact on the community and environment. Join us today and experience the benefits of a new, innovative approach to real estate investment. Average Return on Investment of 17% p.a.

    • 75% or Less of market value

    • Real Estate Impact Investments

    • Predetermined Contractual Returns

    • Compounded Returns and Monthly Payouts

    • Property Investment Advisory

    • Prevetted and Risk Mitigated Real Estate as Security

    • Retirement Investments that payout monthly

    • Free Real Estate Investment Consultations

    • On Sale (Real Estate Flips and Superflips)

    • Free Real Estate Seminars and Webinars

    Real Estate Impact Investing in SA

    What is Impact Investment

    Are you looking for a way to make a positive impact on the world while also growing your wealth? Look no further than Wealth Assist, a leading impact investing firm in South Africa. Impact investments are made into companies, organizations and funds with the intention of producing a measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return.

    Recently featured in Real Estate Investment Magazine, Wealth Assist’s innovative and effective impact investment model has been widely recognized for its ability to deliver strong financial returns while also creating positive change in the world. We carefully select our investments to ensure they align with our values and goals and work closely with our portfolio companies to support their growth and success.

    Our Real Estate impact investment model is a win-win solution for investors and communities alike, driving positive change and creating a better future for all. If you’re interested in learning more about our impact investment model and how you can get involved, visit our website at and discover how you can make a difference and grow your wealth at the same time.

    Why Impact Invest

    • Impact investing has the potential to create significant value for investors and communities alike.
    • Make a positive impact on the environment by investing in socially responsible and sustainable projects
    • Enjoy a financial return on your investment while also making a difference in the world
    • Impact investing empowers companies and organizations to become self-sufficient and implement strategies and operations without relying on donations or government assistance.
    • Strengthen relationships among stakeholders and create a positive impact through impact investing
    • Impact investing is more prevalent than you think, it covers a broad range of industries and geographies, and you can find opportunities to align your investments with your values and goals.
    1. Align your investments with your values and beliefs through impact investing, ensuring your money supports causes you care about.
    2. Drive positive change and create a better future for all by investing in companies and organizations working towards social and environmental impact.
    3. Enjoy financial returns on your investment while making a positive impact on the world through impact investing.
    4. Impact investing is accessible to all, regardless of financial situation or expertise, it allows individuals the opportunity to make a difference in the world.
    5. Play a crucial role in building a sustainable and equitable future for all by supporting companies and organizations working towards positive change through impact investing.

    Impact Investment Solutions for South Africa 2023

    Impact investing is a powerful movement that is changing the way we invest in South Africa. It offers investors the opportunity to generate financial returns while also making a positive impact on society by investing in areas such as social enterprises, technologies, affordable housing, clean energy, and financial literacy programs. At Wealth Assist, we believe that Real Estate is a key instrument for impact investing, and our innovative solutions are revolutionizing the way we invest in distressed property.

    Unlike traditional property investments, our platform eliminates the risks associated with distressed property investing and allows investors to benefit from the potential financial returns. By leveraging the expertise and experience of Assist Group, investors can make a positive impact on society while also growing their wealth.

    We are dedicated to promoting a new way of creating wealth through impact investing. Our impact investment platform is transforming the property investment industry, providing investors with the opportunity to generate financial returns while also making a difference in the world. Join us in driving positive change in South Africa through impact property investing. Visit our website at to learn more and get involved today.

    • Impact investing in South Africa is a rapidly growing market, now considered to be the second-largest globally.
    • Impact investing is a powerful driver of transformational change in communities, creating jobs, improving public services, and increasing the quality of life for all.
    • Regular measurement of the success of investments is crucial to ensure intended outcomes are met and impact is maximized.
    • Impact investing focuses on creating sustainable, long-term social and environmental benefits for the communities in which investments take place.
    • According to the Impact Investing Journal, the impact investing industry is now worth $170 billion, with 56% of total investments made in Asia and Latin America, and 20% in Sub-Saharan Africa.
    • Impact investors are financing a wide range of solutions to social and environmental issues, including expanding access to basic services, supporting environmental conservation, driving the transition to renewable energy, addressing poverty and education disparities, and addressing climate change and job creation or wage inequality.



    Why Impact Investing is important in South Africa in 2023


    1. South Africa faces significant social and environmental challenges such as poverty, inequality, and unemployment. Impact investing can play a crucial role in addressing these challenges by supporting companies and organizations working towards solutions.
    2. The impact investing community in South Africa is growing, with many investors and organizations dedicated to creating positive change in the country.
    3. Impact investing in South Africa can drive economic development and create new opportunities for growth and innovation.
    4. By investing in companies and organizations working towards positive social and environmental impact, impact investors in South Africa can help build a more sustainable and equitable future for all.
    5. Impact investing in South Africa not only creates positive impact but also provides financial returns, allowing individuals to earn a return on their investment while making a difference in the country.


    Real Estate Impact Investment in South Africa

    Investing in Impact Companies 2023

    Impact investing is an innovative way to grow your portfolio while making a positive impact on the world. Unlike traditional investments, impact investments include a social and environmental component, making it more than just a financial transaction. By investing in companies that are creating positive impact, you can be motivated and inspired by the meaning and purpose behind your investment, leading to a higher rate of success. Join the growing movement of impact investors and make your money work for you and the world. Invest in companies that align with your values and goals, and watch your portfolio grow while making a difference.

    Top 5 impact investing Companies in South Africa in 2023

    1. Wealth Assist: As a leading impact investment firm in South Africa, Wealth Assist offers investors the opportunity to achieve strong financial returns while also making a positive impact on the country. Our innovative impact property investment platform provides expert guidance and support to help investors make informed decisions and achieve their investment goals.
    2. Impact Investing South Africa: A cross-sectoral initiative aimed at building the ecosystem to accelerate the deployment of capital that optimizes financial, social, and environmental returns.
    3. Impact Amplifier: A social impact investment firm that supports entrepreneurs and organizations driving positive social and environmental change in South Africa. Offering a range of investment options and support services to help portfolio companies grow and succeed.
    4. Impact Investing SA: A pioneering impact investment firm in South Africa providing investment capital and support to companies and organizations driving positive social and environmental change. Offering a range of impact investment products and services, including impact funds and advisory services.
    5. Exchange Africa: Impact Investment Exchange Africa (IIX Africa) is a leading impact investment firm in South Africa that provides investment capital and support to companies and organizations driving positive social and environmental change. Offering a range of impact investment products and services, including impact funds and impact bonds.

    Discover the Power of Impact Property Investment with Wealth Assist: A Proven Track Record of Financial Returns and Positive Impact

    Unlock the Power of Impact Investing with Wealth Assist – The Leading Impact Property Investment Company in South Africa. As one of the most renowned impact investing companies in South Africa, Assist Group and its subsidiary, Wealth Assist, specialize in providing socially responsible and sustainable investment opportunities in the property sector. Recently featured in REIMAG (Real Estate Investor Magazine) for our positive impact, our innovative solutions have the potential to deliver attractive returns while making a difference in the world. Join us in creating a better future through impact property investment with Wealth Assist.


    • Achieve strong financial returns and make a positive impact with Wealth Assist’s impact property investment opportunities in South Africa
    • Align your investments with your personal values and beliefs by supporting projects and initiatives working towards a better future
    • Choose from a range of impact property investment options to match your investment goals and priorities
    • Benefit from expert advice and guidance from our team of experienced professionals to ensure well-managed and aligned investments
    • Trust in our commitment to transparency and accountability with regular updates and reports on performance and impact of our projects.

    What are the advantages of real estate Impact investing?

    Impact investing is revolutionizing the way we think about investing. It’s not just about making money, it’s about making a difference. By choosing to invest in companies and organizations that are working towards positive social and environmental impact, you can align your investments with your values and beliefs, and play a crucial role in creating a better future for all. At Wealth Assist, our impact property investment platform is at the forefront of this movement, providing expert guidance and support to help investors make informed investment decisions and achieve their investment goals while positively impacting the society. Invest in a brighter future with Wealth Assist, the leading provider of impact property investment opportunities in South Africa.

    Definition of Impact Investing: Impact investing is a type of investment that aims to generate measurable social and/or environmental impact alongside financial returns. This can include investments in companies, organizations, or funds that are working towards solutions to social or environmental challenges such as poverty, education, and climate change. Impact investors often seek to align their investments with their personal values and beliefs, and are motivated by the goal of making a positive impact in the world while also earning a financial return on their investment.

    Impact Investing and ESG is Growing and is on the Rise Globally in 2023

    The Future of Investing for a Better World. Invest in companies that align with your values and make a positive impact on society and the environment. Join the growing movement of impact investors and make your money work for you and the world. Discover the power of impact investing and how it can drive positive change and create a sustainable future for all.

    Here are some tips for finding good Impact Investments:

    • Do Your Due Diligence: Research potential investments to ensure they align with your values and priorities.
    • Explore Real Estate Investment Options: Consider real estate impact investments, such as those offered by Wealth Assist and Real Estate Assist, as a way to make a difference and earn financial returns.
    • Incorporate Impact Investments in Your Portfolio: Including impact investments in your portfolio can help you feel good about the way your money is being used.
    • Remember the Difference between Impact Investing and Philanthropy: Impact investing is not the same as philanthropy, as it is focused on generating financial returns while also making a positive impact on society.

    What are some common misconceptions about Impact Investing?

    Debunking Myths about Impact Investing:

    • Impact investing does not mean sacrificing financial returns for social and environmental impact. In fact, long-term investments in this area often have higher returns than traditional investments.
    • Wealth Assist, a leading provider of real estate impact investments in South Africa, offers a solid, reliable, and sustainable return on investment while also preventing homeowners from becoming homeless and boosting the economy.
    • Property impact investments allow investors to make a meaningful difference in South Africa while also earning a return above market rate.
    • Don’t believe the misconception that impact investing is only for those with large sums of money. With Wealth Assist, you can get involved and make a positive impact on South Africa’s economy with any investment amount.


    Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about impact property investments:

    How can I make an impact with my property investments?

    By choosing to invest in impact property, you can align your investments with your personal values and beliefs, and support projects and initiatives that are working towards a better future for all. Whether it’s investing in affordable housing, renewable energy, or community development, impact property investing allows you to make a positive impact on the world while also earning financial returns.

    What are the risks of impact property investing?

    As with any type of investing, Real Estate impact investing carries certain risks. For example, real estate markets can be volatile, and property values can fluctuate. Additionally, impact property investments may be subject to regulatory risks, such as changes in zoning laws or environmental regulations. It is important to carefully evaluate any potential investment, including its risks, before making a decision.

    How can I ensure my impact property investments are well-managed?

    By working with a reputable impact investment firm like Wealth Assist, you can access expert advice and guidance from experienced professionals. Our team provides support throughout the investment process, from identifying potential investments to managing and monitoring the performance of your portfolio. Additionally, we are committed to transparency and accountability, providing regular updates and reports on the performance and impact of our investments.

    How do I get started with impact property investing?

    To get started with impact property investing, you can take advantage of our free impact investment consultation. We provide a strategic plan of action that outlines the steps you can take to achieve your financial and impact goals. We work closely with you to understand your investment objectives and priorities, and we help you identify the best investment opportunities to meet your goals.

    Visit our website at to learn more and get started.

    Free impact Investment Consultation link:

    Register as an Impact Investor

    Become an Impact Investor with Wealth Assist: Invest in Real Estate and Make a Positive Impact

    Impact investing is a unique approach to investing that seeks to align financial returns with positive social and environmental outcomes. At Wealth Assist, we specialize in impact property investments that provide financial returns while also addressing important social challenges such as affordable housing and community development.

    As an impact investor with Wealth Assist, you’ll be joining a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to making a positive impact on the world through their investments. We’ll work with you to identify investment opportunities that align with your values and goals, and our experienced team will provide expert guidance and support to help you make informed investment decisions.

    Don’t just invest for financial returns, invest for a better future. Register as an Impact Investor with Wealth Assist and become a part of our mission to create lasting change through distressed property investments.

    Property Investment In South Africa

    Properly investing in real estate in South Africa can be incredibly secure and rewarding. Wealth Assist, a leading impact investment firm, has a proven track record of success with an average return of 17% per year over the past 8 years. By investing in real estate through Wealth Assist, you can earn a compounded interest on your returns, allowing your money to work for you and grow over time.

    Not only do these investments provide strong financial returns, but they also give you the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of distressed property owners and on South Africa as a whole. Impact investing is a powerful and effective way to create sustainable and long-term change. Join Wealth Assist in driving positive change in South Africa through impact property investing. Visit our website at to learn more and get started.

    When it comes to property investment, there are several options to consider. One option is to live in the property yourself, and the other option is to use the property as a wealth creation vehicle. By using the property as a wealth creation vehicle, you can generate income through renting it out to tenants or using it for business purposes. This can help you grow your wealth over time.

    Using property as a wealth creation vehicle also allows you to mitigate many of the risks associated with property investments, such as dealing with bad tenants or expensive repairs and maintenance costs. By focusing on maximizing income and achieving investment goals, you can make the most out of your property investment.

    Wealth Assist can help you navigate the options for using property as a wealth creation vehicle and achieve returns of 17% per year on average. Contact us to learn more and get started.

    The Best Property Investments in South Africa is not to buy the Property but rather to use the property to create wealth Wealth Assist Distressed Property Investment Model

    Assist Group Vision Icon


    We are an exponential kingdom Real Estate organization that inspires, leads and sets the trend in the utilization of real estate to make people free.

    Assist group Mission  Icon


    We consistently implement unique, collaborative real estate-based solutions in line with current real estate trends to address the needs of and create wealth for real estate owners and all stakeholders through enhancement of relationships and established governance procedures on a global platform.

    Real Estate Massive Transformative Purpose icon

    Massive Transformative Purpose

    Recreating Your World Through Real Estate

    What our customers say about us

    RPS Fruit CC
    RPS Fruit CC
    22:02 19 Jun 20
    When I was going through a rough financial challenge in 2018/2019, they stepped in and took control of an out of... control situation with faith, wisdom and professionalism & by the grace of God & with applied knowledge were able to salvage a very bad situation for me. I am so grateful & thankful that I knew Daniél Lombard & The Property Assist Team at that time and that they were Willing and ready to help me along with a lot of prayer & miracles I came out on top! Thank you and God bless more
    Emilea Smith
    Emilea Smith
    09:42 20 Jan 20
    They share the same values and they really help families to retain their property.
    Jodine Kirsten
    Jodine Kirsten
    08:14 17 Mar 19
    Great place
    Ashley Puren
    Ashley Puren
    14:55 24 Aug 18
    As a long time property investor & having run my own letting agency for many years, I have found the team at Property... Assist fantastic to work with, helpful, caring & knowledgeable in their approach to providing creative solutions to problems that so often arise in the property more
    Alain Opperman
    Alain Opperman
    07:47 19 Jun 18
    Hillmar Ross
    Hillmar Ross
    19:17 22 Mar 18
    They offer Property Solutions, unlock equity, stop legal actions and help you keep your property before it goes on Sale... in more
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    Wealth Assist Provides Predetermined, Above Average Returns for Real Estate Investors with Real Estate as Security.

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    Real Estate Assist Offers Solutions for Distressed Homeowners to Consolidate Short-term Debt as an Alternative to Debt Review