Impact Investment In South Africa
Buying distressed properties is no longer necessary or a good idea with all the risks and pain associated with it, we have a better solution that benefits both the homeowner and the investor with Predetermined Contractual Returns with Compounded Interest!

Services for Distressed Owners
⊕ Stop Legal Action
⊕ Keep Your Home
⊕ Improve and Sell

Return to Financial Security
⊕ Consolidate Debt and Improve Credit Score
⊕ Unlock Cash Flow or Equity
⊕ Assist to Own Real Estate

Recovery Investments
⊕ Recovery
⊕ Instalment Sale Recovery
⊕ Recovery Bond
⊕ Assist to Own

On Sale Investments
⊕ Breather
⊕ Instalment Sale Breather
⊕ Joint Venture Sale

Real Estate Impact Investing
Property Investment In South Africa
Property Investments are still the most secure and the best investments in South Africa if you invest the right way and have mitigated all the risks like we do at Wealth Assist. Wealth Assist has a 8 Year Track Record of 17%p.a. on average. Let your money work for you by investing in real estate where you can earn a compounded interest on your returns. Investing with Wealth Assist also gives you the opportunity to make exponential returns while making an impact in distressed property owners’ lives and Impacting South Africa for the better. Impact Investment is the new way of investing in ourselves and our future and the future of a better tomorrow.
Using Property as a Wealth Creation Vehicle instead of Living in the Property
When it comes to property investment, there are a few options to consider when it comes to how you want to use the property. One option is to live in the property, and the other option is to use the property as a wealth creation vehicle. When you use the property as a wealth creation vehicle, you’re not living in it, and you’re using it to generate income. This can be using it for business purposes. When you use the property in this way, you’re able to generate an income that can help you grow your wealth over time. The Pro’s of this type of investment is mitigating most of the risks associated with property investments like having a bad/non-paying tenant or repairs on the property and levies etc.
Contact Wealth Assist for More Info and Earn returns of 17% p.a.
The Best Property Investments in South Africa is not to buy the Property but rather to use the property to create wealth Wealth Assist Distressed Property Investment Model
What is Impact Investment
Impact investments are defined as “investments made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate a measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return.” In other words, impact investments seek to do good in the world while also earning a profit for the investor.
Wealth Assist in South Africa was featured in Real Estate Investment Magazine for our impact investment model. As an impact investing firm, we are committed to creating positive change in the world through our investments.
Why Impact Invest
- Impact investing has the potential to add a lot of value.
- Impact Investing Have A Positive Impact On The Environment
- Impact Investing Provides A Financial Return On Investment
- Impact investing can assist firms in becoming self-sufficient by allowing them to implement strategies and operations without depending as much on donations or government assistance.
- Impact investing has the ability to strengthen and develop working relationships among stakeholders while also having an impact.
- Impact Investing Is Larger Than You Think. It Involves A Broad Array Of Industries And Geographies.
Impact Investment Solutions for South Africa
Impact investing is one of the most promising and important movements in South Africa today. It seeks to invest capital in areas that generate financial returns while also benefiting society. Impact investments range from social enterprises and technologies to affordable housing, clean energy, and financial literacy programs. Impact investment provides much needed support to communities and organizations trying to solve complex issues across multiple sectors.
In South Africa, property has become a key instrument for impact investing. By leveraging the creativity of Assist Group, investors can Invest in Distressed property without the risks of normal property investments and facing non paying tenants. Wealth Assist’s Impact Investment Platform is Impacting the property investment industry and advocating for a new way of creating wealth while making a difference.
Impact investing in South Africa has grown rapidly and is now considered to be the second-largest market globally. In fact, South Africans have found it easier to invest their money into the local Impact economy as they understand its relevance locally with a high level of trust that there are prospects for growth.
Impact investing has been a large driver of transformational change in communities as it creates jobs, improves public services, and increases the quality of life for all.
Investors must demonstrate the ability to measure both intended outcomes and contributions to actual improvements across the factors listed. Investments and beneficiaries alike need to be able to measure success on a regular basis. Impact investment funds also need to have a clear understanding of what the impact will look like at various stages during the life cycle of an investment so that they can adequately provide accountability reports on their progress towards achieving intended outcomes
Impact investing is about creating sustainable, long-term social and environmental benefits for the communities in which investments take place. Impact investors work to be intentional about how their funds are allocated though they also need to be aware of market forces that might otherwise drive them away from this purpose.
The Impact Investing Journal reports that Impact investing is now a $170 billion industry. The following are statistics on the market breakdown: – 56% of total investments have been made in Asia and Latin America- 20% has gone to Sub Saharan Africa
This trend reflects an increase in opportunities for Impact investors across the globe; with more and more Impact-focused investment products becoming available, and creating an increasing demand for Impact investing.
Impact Investors are now financing a diverse set of solutions to many social and environmental issues; some of which include:
- Expanding access to critical basic services
- Supporting Environmental conservation
- Driving the transition to renewable energy
- Poverty
- Education disparity
- Climate change and
- Job creation or wage inequality.
Investing in Impact Companies
Investing in Impact companies is a great way to grow your portfolio while making a positive impact on the world. Impact investing isn’t just about donating large sums of money, it also includes investments that have an environmental and social component. Impact investors are more motivated and inspired knowing their investment has meaning and purpose which translates into higher rates of success.
Impact investing companies South Africa
This type of Impact Investment has been gaining attention lately due to its potential for doing good while also delivering attractive returns, making Assist Group one of the most renowned Impact Investing companies in South Africa. Assist Group, which specialises in property Impact Investment has been featured in REIMAG (Real Estate Investor Magazin) for their impact!
What are the advantages of real estate Impact investing?
The advantage of this type of investment is that it can provide not only a way to earn money, but also be mindful and appreciative of how your investments affect other people or animals. Impact investing can be a way to help tackle the problems of poverty, education, and climate change, etc.
Definition of Impact Investing: Impact investing is all about putting your money where it can do the most good. Impact investors are more motivated and inspired knowing their investment has meaning and purpose which translates to higher rates of success for both Investors and companies seeking funding.
Impact Investing and ESG is Growing and is on the Rise Globally
Impact investing is a growing movement in the investment world. Impact investors are looking for businesses that they can invest in that will also make an impact on the world around them, such as by providing jobs to those who need them or helping communities become more resilient.
Here are some tips for finding good Impact Investments:
- Do Your Research – It’s important to make sure the investment aligns with your values; if not, then this may be an opportunity for more research or better options elsewhere.
- Look Into Real Estate Investment Options One of the best real estate Impact investments available might just be right under your nose! (Wealth Assist/Real Estate Assist)
- Include Impact Investments In Your Portfolio – Reflecting your values in your investments will help you sleep better at night knowing that every decision is an opportunity to do good.
- Impact investing is different from philanthropy. Impact investors expect a financial return as well as an impact on society.
What are some common misconceptions about Impact Investing?
Some people believe that because you cannot get rich quickly with Impact Investing it is not worth doing. However, long-term investments in this area often have higher returns than other options so there is no reason to not invest in Impact Investing.
- Property Impact Investments provide a solid, reliable and sustainable return
- You are helping to change lives by preventing South African homeowners from becoming homeless
- Your investment will have an impact on South Africa’s economy
- You receive a above market related return on your investment.
- Our returns are above market related, providing you with a sound investment
- Property Impact Investments allow us to help those in most need, whilst making a return on our investment
- South Africa is in desperate need of help
- Your investment can make an impact
- We have a proven system that has been running for years
Register as an Impact Investor
Impact investors are a breed of their own. Many people don’t understand the concept, but it’s not like traditional investments you would find at any bank or brokerage firm.
You’re likely to see returns that match your other financial goals when you invest with us as an impact investor because we’ll make sure your money is being used for good: saving the homes of owners in distress.
Our distressed property investment firm is not like a typical distressed real estate company, we’ll invest your money where you can create a lasting change while earning solid returns.
We believe distressed homeowners are entitled to respect and dignity. Especially in their circumstances when they tend to have no one to lean on. We don’t take advantage of distressed homeowner‘s distressing circumstances.



Massive Transformative Purpose

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Wealth Assist Provides Predetermined, Above Average Returns for Real Estate Investors with Real Estate as Security.

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Real Estate Assist Offers Solutions for Distressed Homeowners to Consolidate Short-term Debt as an Alternative to Debt Review