Property Impact Investment South Africa
Having an impact while making excellent returns is the future and the new way to invest! Impact investing is the new way to make an impact on society while still being able bring home some big returns.
The world has never been more aware of how important it can be for investors who want both financial security and social change

Recovery Investments
⊕ Recovery
⊕ Instalment Sale Recovery
⊕ Recovery Bond
⊕ Assist to Own

On Sale Investments
⊕ Breather
⊕ Instalment Sale Breather
⊕ Joint Venture Sale

Services for Distressed Owners
⊕ Stop Legal Action
⊕ Keep Your Home
⊕ Improve and Sell

Return to Financial Security
⊕ Consolidate Debt and Improve Credit Score
⊕ Unlock Cash Flow or Equity
⊕ Assist to Own Real Estate
Real Estate Investment Advisory
Property Investment In South Africa
According to a recent survey, residential property investments are still the most secure and best investment in South Africa if you invest intelligently and have minimized all hazards as we do at Wealth Assist. Wealth Assist has an eight-year track record of 17 percent p.a., on average. Investing with us allows you to earn compounded interest on your returns while also making a difference in distressed property owners’ lives and improving South Africa for the better. Impact investing is the new way to give back by investing both financially AND mentally within ourselves and our future, as well as that of tomorrow .
Using Property to Create Wealth
When it comes to investing in property, there are a few options to consider when it comes to how you want to use the property. One alternative is to live in the home while the other option is to utilize it as a financial money making investment vehicle. You’re not living in or utilizing the property if you do this; rather, you’re using it for income generation. This might be used for business purposes. By utilizing your house in this manner, you may generate an annual revenue that will help grow your wealth over time. The benefit of investing like this is that most of the risks connected with real estate investments such as having an undesirable/non-paying tenant or infrastructure problems and levies are avoided
Contact Wealth Assist for More Info and Earn Predetermined returns of 17% p.a.
The Best Real Estate Investments in South Africa is to utilize the property as a revenue generating asset rather than purchasing it. Distressed Property Investment Model
What is Impact Investment
Impact investments are “investments made into firms, organizations, and funds with the aim of generating a measurable social or environmental impact as well as a financial return.” In other words, impact investments attempt to do good in the world while still making money for their investors.
Wealth Assist was highlighted in Real Estate Investment Magazine for our impact investment approach. We are dedicated to generating beneficial change on a global scale through our investments as an impact investing company.We are dedicated to making a difference via our investments as an impact investing firm and with the Help of Our Impact Investors.
Why Impact Invest
- Impact investing has the ability to contribute a lot of value
- Impact Investing Has a Beneficial Influence On The Environment
- Impact Investing Gives You A Financial Return On Investment
- Impact investing can help firms become self-sustaining by allowing them to implement strategies and activities without depending on donations or government aid
- Impact investing has the potential to strengthen and develop working partnerships among stakeholders, as well as having an influence
- Impact Investing Is Much Bigger Than You Think. It Affects A Variety Of Industries And Geographies

Impact Investment Solutions for South Africa
Impact investing is one of South Africa’s most exciting and innovative trends. It aims to invest money in sectors that provide financial returns while also benefiting society. Social enterprises and technology, as well as affordable housing, clean energy initiatives, and financial literacy programs are just a few examples of impact investments. Impact investment provides critical help to communities trying to address complicated issues across many industries.
In South Africa, Property has evolved into a major tool for impact investing with Assist Group’s Innovative solutions to the distressed property industry. Investors may invest in distressed property without the dangers of typical property investments and with non-paying tenants by using Assist Group’s creative thinking. Wealth Assist’s Impact Investment Platform is changing the real estate investment industry while also urging for a new method to generate wealth that makes a difference.
South Africa is rapidly gaining a reputation as an impact investing market, with considerable potential. In reality, South Africans have found it much easier to invest their money in the local Impact economy because they are confident that it has potential for development locally and has a high level of trust in its future relevance.
Impact investing has been a key agent of transformative change in communities by generating employment, improving public services, and raising people’s quality of life.
Investors must be able to assess both intended outcomes and contributions to real improvements in the areas listed. Both investors and beneficiaries need to be capable of tracking progress on a regular basis. Impact investment funds also need to understand what impact the end result will have throughout the life cycle of an investment so that they can give proper accountability reports regarding their efforts towards achieving stated goals.
Impact investing is the process of generating long-term social and environmental benefits for local communities in which investments are made. Impact investors try to be intentional about how their money is spent, but they must also keep an eye on market trends that may drive them away from this goal.
According to a research conducted by the Impact Investing Journal, impact investing has grown to be worth $170 billion. The following are some statistics concerning market breakdown: 56% of all investments have gone to Asia and Latin America; 20% has been invested in Sub-Saharan Africa
This development indicates that there are more opportunities for Impact investors all around the world; with new and developing impact-focused investment products emerging, as well as an increasing need for impact investing.
Impact investors are now financing a wide range of social and environmental concerns, some of which include:
- Providing greater access to critical basic services
- Encouraging Environmental Conservation
- Facilitate the shift from non-renewable to renewable power.
- Poverty and Homelessness
- Education inequality
- Climate change and
- Job creation or wage inequality.

Investing in Impact Companies
Investing in Impact firms is a wonderful method to expand your portfolio while also making an appreciable difference in the world. Impact investing isn’t only about donating huge sums of cash; it also includes investments that have an environmental and social component. Impact investors are more committed, driven, and inspired knowing their money will make a difference which gives meaning and purpose, which translates into enhanced rates of success.
Property Impact investing companies South Africa
This type of Impact Investment is gaining recognition lately due to its potential for doing good while also providing significant returns, making Assist Group one of South Africa’s most well-known impact investing firms. Assist Group, a property Impact Investing company that specializes in generating positive change through Property Impact Investments has been recognized by REIMAG (Real Estate Investor Magazine) for their contribution!
What are the advantages of Property Impact investing?
The advantage of this sort of investment is that it can help you be conscious and grateful for the impact your money has on others. Impact investing may assist us in addressing issues such as poverty, education, and climate change and homeownership by allowing investors to do good while also making a profit.
Definition of Impact Investing: Impact investing is about putting your money where it will have the most positive impact. Impact investors are more eager and inspired when they know their investment has a meaning and purpose, resulting in higher rates of success for both Investors and firms seeking capitalization.
Impact Investing and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is on the Rise Globally
Impact investing is becoming increasingly popular in the investment sector. Impact investors are seeking for enterprises that they may invest in, such as by providing employment or assisting communities become more resilient, which would have a positive influence on the world around them.
Here are some tips for finding good Impact Investments:
- Do Your Homework – It’s crucial to ensure that the investment is in line with your principles; if not, there may be a better alternative elsewhere.
- Investigate Property Impact Investment in South Africa, There could be one of the finest property impact investments right under your nose! (Wealth Assist/Assist Group)
- Include Property Impact Investments in Your Portfolio – You’ll sleep better at night knowing that every decision is an opportunity to do good if you reflect your values in your investments.
- Impact investing is not the same as charity. Impact investors seek both a financial return and an improvement in society.
What are some common misconceptions about Impact Investing?
Some people believe that because you cannot get rich quickly with Impact Investing it is not worth doing. However, long-term investments in this area often have higher returns than other options so there is no reason to not invest in Impact Investing.
- Property Impact Investments provide a solid, reliable and sustainable return
- You are helping to change lives by preventing South African homeowners from becoming homeless
- Your investment will have an impact on South Africa’s economy
- You receive a above market related return on your investment.
- Our returns are above market related, providing you with a sound investment
- Property Impact Investments allow us to help those in most need, whilst making a return on our investment
- South Africa is in desperate need of help
- Your investment can make an impact
- We have a proven system that has been running for years
Register as an Impact Investor
Impact investors are a breed of their own. Many people don’t understand the concept, but it’s not like traditional investments you would find at any bank or brokerage firm.
You’re likely to see returns that match your other financial goals when you invest with us as an impact investor because we’ll make sure your money is being used for good: saving the homes of owners in distress.
Our distressed property investment firm is not like a typical distressed real estate company, we’ll invest your money where you can create a lasting change while earning solid returns.
We believe distressed homeowners are entitled to respect and dignity. Especially in their circumstances when they tend to have no one to lean on. We don’t take advantage of distressed homeowner‘s distressing circumstances.



Massive Transformative Purpose
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